Order Mater Dei













We are a universal religious order  Order Mater Dei within "The Irish Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church": having clergy all over the planet  in Continents and Countries which includes:

America, Europe including the British Isles (Ireland, England, Scotland and Wales).


God Bless Ye All




+ Michael Desmond OMD

Archbishop for Ulster & Cooley


Worldwide Chancellor of Order Mater Dei




About Us



Welcome to the Website of the Order Mater Dei  which was founded in Switzerland in 1978 by 5 bishops Founding Fathers are as follows: Bishop Maurice Revaz, DD, MA, OMD;  Bishop Superior at the time; Bishop John Daly, DD, MA, OMD; Bishop Richard Corr, DD, MA, OMD; Bishop James Boyle, DD,MA,OMD  and  Bishop Ciarain Broadbery, DD, MA,OMD. All five Bishops ordained Michael Patrick Cox to the priesthood on the 1st May 1978 after which he was Fr Michael Patrick Cox, MA, OMD.  Fr Cox returned to Ireland with a mission to continue and expand the Order Mater Dei in 1978.


Fr Michael Patrick Cox,MA, OMD,   was then validly consecrated Bishop in Dublin Ireland by Most Rev Dr Ciarain Broadbery, DD, MA,OMD on the 27th April 1982 and subsequently appeared on the Late Late Show shortly afterwards and explained all concerning his Holy Order (OMD).


Irish Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church Most Rev Dr Michael Cox, DD, MA, OMD,  is responsible for a number of ordinations and consecrations of which Dr Michael Desmond Hynes was one.


Please Note: All those ordained by Most Rev Dr Michael Cox were given the title of  "Marian Apostle" (MA) and this is part of ordination and cannot be revoked by no one. Once a priest - always a priest for life with title! (Origins of Marian Apostles)


Michael Desmond Hynes was ordained priest the 21st October 1999 by Most Rev Dr Cox who consecrated Fr Michael Hynes, MA, OMD,  PhD a Bishop on the 11th of January 2000 in St Colman's Church, Cree, Birr, Co Offaly.


At The Sacred Council held at St Colman's Church in Cree Birr Co Offaly from 21st - 23 rd April 2000 Bishop Cox was elected Archbishop-Patriarch of OMD for life and to hold a veto over the whole order of OMD. Bishop Hynes, DD, MA, OMD, BA (Hons), PhD, was appointed Bishop of Ulster & Cooley for OMD and later that year  (1st August 2000) Chancellor of OMD until his additional appointment later ( 11th July 2001 )by the Archbishop-Patriarch as Archbishop of Ulster & Cooley holding a veto along with His Beatitude Most Rev Dr Cox over all the Mother of God Order of  OMD. After holding a number of posts The Archbishop-Patriarch re affirms the  status of +Michael Desmond Hynes, DD, MA, OMD, BA (hons),  PhD.


To make the website crystal clear Most Rev Dr Michael Desmond Hynes in the position stated above recognizes Archbishop-Patriarch Michael Cox, DD, MA, OMD  as Archbishop-Patriarch of ORDER MATER DEI (OMD).


His Beatitude may be contacted Tel: 0505 47699 Mobile: 087 6747055


Order Mater Dei is a religious Order of secular clergy (deacons, priests and bishops).  The Order is rather unique insofar as the clergy do not live together in community but carry on their work in the secular world, among the faithful, through the preaching of the Gospel, the administration of the Sacraments and the celebration of the Sacred Mysteries.








Cead Mile Failte Romhat

Biography of Most Rev Pierre-Martin Ngo-Dihn-Thuc


On the 15th of March 1938, His Holiness Pope Pius XI granted to His Excellency, the Most Rev Pierre-Martin Ngo-Dihn-Thuc a Papal Mandate, granting him "full papal powers", i.e. the right to ordain priests and consecrate bishops without consultation with the Holy See.  This Mandate was not, and has not been revoked. Monsignor Thuc later became famous for his contused opposition to Vatican II, and he proceeded to ordain and consecrate men whom he believed would keep the pre-Vatican II Church alive, adhering to the Traditional Latin Mass and Rituals.


Our Holy Orders can be traced directly back to Monsignor Thuc.


As an Independent Catholic Order of priests and bishops, we have a great love for and devotion to the Traditional Mass (The Tridentine or Latin Mass as it is commonly known).  However, we also adhere to the rules and rites of the Roman Church and therefore accept as equally valid the Novus Ordo (New Mass, or the vernacular Mass which most people hear).


Being Catholic, we celebrate the Seven Sacraments of the Church, and offer our services to all who approach Christ with a sincere and contrite heart.


These seven sacraments are:

1.  Baptism

2.  Confirmation

3.  The Eucharist (or Mass, or the Lord's Supper)

4.  Reconciliation (Confession)

5.  Holy Orders (i.e. ordination of deacons, priests and the consecration of bishops)

6.  Matrimony

7.  Extreme Unction (or 'The Sacrament of the Sick')


As part of the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Anointing of the Infirm, there is included a ministry of healing and some of our clergy have vast experience in this area.


*   *   *   *


Our Holy Father, the Pope, being the Bishop of Rome is the lawful successor of Saint Peter and as such is chief pastor of the Church, that is, the "One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic" Church.


On the 16 th of June, 2000   Pope John Paul II ratified and ordered the publication of "Dominus Iesus". This Declaration by The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith was signed and published by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (now Pope Benedict XVI) in August of the same year. In this Declaration, the Roman Catholic Church recognizes the validity of Orders and Sacraments of other Catholic denominations:

"These Churches which, while not existing in perfect communion with the (Roman) Catholic Church, remain united to her by means of the closest bonds, that is, by apostolic succession and a valid Eucharist, and are true particular Churches"............... "Therefore, these separated Churches and communities as such...have by no means been deprived of significance and importance in the mystery of salvation. For the spirit of Christ has not refrained from using them as means of salvation which derive their efficacy from the very fullness of grace and truth entrusted to the Catholic Church".


There are elements within the organizational church who would deny us our priesthood.  To these and to all others we reiterate the facts.  The line of Apostolic succession has not been severed and remains intact, ipso facto our orders are valid and no argument to the contrary is, or can be, founded on truth.  Little else need be said on this issue, other than those who, through malice or misunderstanding, refuse to accept our orders are denying the continuity of the Sacrament of Holy Orders and in so doing are attacking the very foundation-stone of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Place Type Church.


We need to continue to move and to move more rapidly to the model of Church in which the priest concentrates on the work that requires the presence of a priest. These are all the pastoral duties related to a priest's vocation of preaching the Word of God. On their own, they constitute a busy workload when performed with care and generosity:

• Celebration of the sacraments of Eucharist, Baptism, Penance, Anointing of the Sick and the Witnessing of Marriages.

• Celebration of funerals and other liturgies.

• Visitation of schools, hospitals, nursing homes and the sick in their own homes.

• The Church needs your help to ensure that other important tasks are not neglected. Already you are being generous with your time, but I encourage more and more people to come forward and volunteer for the essential work of Eucharistic Ministers, Readers, Choirs, Managing Finances, School Boards of Management, Maintenance of parish buildings and Works of Charity. A move in this direction is a move towards a new model of Church. It is not about lay people helping the priest.






As Catholics, we fully participate in the celebration of the Eucharist when we receive Holy Communion. We are encouraged to receive Communion devoutly and frequently. In order to be properly disposed to receive Communion, participants should not be conscious of grave sin and normally should have fasted for one hour. A person who is conscious of grave sin is not to receive the Body and Blood of the Lord without prior sacramental confession except for a grave reason where there is no opportunity for confession. In this case, the person is to be mindful of the obligation to make an act of perfect contrition, including the intention of confessing as soon as possible (canon 916). Frequent reception of the Sacrament of Penance is encouraged for all.



We welcome our fellow Christians to the celebration of the Eucharist as our brothers and sisters. We pray that our common baptism and the action of the Holy Spirit in the Eucharist will draw us closer to one another and begin to dispel the sad divisions which separate us. We pray that these will lessen and finally disappear, in keeping with Christ's prayer for us "that they may all be one" (Jn 17:21).

Since Catholics believe that the celebration of the Eucharist is a sign of the reality of the oneness of faith, life and worship, - members of those churches with whom we are not yet fully united are ordinarily not admitted to Holy Communion. Eucharistic sharing in exceptional circumstances by other Christians requires permission according to the directives of the diocesan bishop and the provisions of canon law (canon 844§4). Members of Orthodox Churches are urged to respect the discipline of their own Churches. According to Roman Catholic Discipline however, reception of communion by Christians of these Churches is permissible, (canon 844§3).



We welcome to our celebrations those who do not share our faith in Jesus Christ. While we cannot admit them to Holy Communion, we ask them to offer their prayers for the peace and the unity of the human family.








We administer the 7 Sacraments of the Catholic Church mainly to those who fall outside the Roman Catholic Sect of the Church who may feel isolated.  Some of our members are teachers in secondary schools, lecturers in third level colleges and universities while others are involved in social and economic development as well as serving as chaplains to various institutions. We may be seen as an auxiliary force who promote the Roman Catholic Church as first preference and act as a safety net for those who fall by the wayside so to speak.


Divine Healing: We offer Divine Healing to those who are afflicted with physical or emotional problems on a one to one basis. Many people have got satisfaction having undergone the healing process worldwide. Facilitators of this healing may be contacted as follows:


Archbishop Michael Cox OMD DD: Tel 0505 4769 and Mobile 0035387 6747055


Archbishop Michael Desmond Hynes OMD DD PhD: Tel 0035342 9373525 and Mobile 0035386 3380894

e-mail: click on;  Divine Healing


(We encourage the faithful to attend their regular Parish Church for Mass and the Sacraments where and when if possible. As well we welcome them to attend the celebration of the Sacred Mysteries at our  Oratories and Mother Church of St Colman in Co Offaly).


(We encourage the faithful to attend their regular Parish Church for Mass and the Sacraments where and when if possible. As well we welcome them to attend the celebration of the Sacred Mysteries at our  Oratories and Mother Church of St Colman in Co Offaly).


We encourage the faithful to attend their regular Parish Church for Mass and the Sacraments where and when and if possible. As well we welcome them to attend the celebration of the Sacred Mysteries at our  Oratories and Mother Church of St Colman in Co Offaly.





The Official Website of :


The Order Mater Dei



Password Protected

and Copyright protected

Please Note:


I have validly ordained one bishop  who resides in Blackpool.

Bishop Cornelius Gillick 

Archbishop Thuc died on the 13th of  December 1984 and you need to check with those claiming to have Holy Orders from His Excellency as to what lineage they belong if any in some cases. Remember  "a fool and his money are easy parted" ! Watch out and check those out thoroughly before sending donations over the net.!  I am 4th lineage from Archbishop Thuc coming from Archbishop Cox who is 3rd lineage.


Priests validly ordained by me should  have a certificate in English only. In that light be aware of those who have certificated in Latin. As well you need to be aware of is "all priests that have told lies and/or deceived me at a ceremony have invalidated  their ordination automatically".


Please note: The sub order called   "Order of Marian Apostles"  (OMA)  commissioned on the 24th  July 2002 By our Patriarch  His Beatitude Most Rev Dr Michael Cox DD MA OMD has been closed down and silenced by myself and the Archbishop Patriarch Michael Cox  DD MA OMD on Monday the 14th of January 2008.


Latest News

 we welcome

Fr. Anthony Shaw

Abbot of Hailes


click on---: Universalis


We Welcome the Risen Christ.


Archbishop Hynes St Peter's Hermitage &Oratory Greenore Co Louth Mass @ 7 AM Weekdays   @ 6 PM Saturdays.  Sunday Masses are @ 10 AM unless stated otherwise. The Novus Ordo is the Default Mass and Latin Tridentine Rite only when requested. Archbishop Michael D Hynes




Patriarch's Appointments  Contact:

His Beatitude Most Rev Dr Michael Cox DD MA OMD. Tel: 050547699



Contact Details


Join us! For more information, contact us vi email at [email protected]

Archbishop Michael Desmond Hynes DD MA OMD PhD

mailto:%[email protected]


Archbishop Michael Desmond Hynes DD MA OMD PhD


Worldwide Chancellor of Order Mater Dei & Archbishop for Ulster & Cooley

"St Peter's Oratory"

5 Anglesea Terrace


Co Louth

Rep of Ireland

Tel 0035342 9373525

Mobile 0035386 3380 894

Mobile 087 1389426




Qualities Desired in a Candidate for the Priesthood

Personal relationship with God

prayer life

Love for the Catholic Church and its teachings


Ability to work with others

Interest in serving people

Respect for other people

Openness to different races, ethnic groups and cultures

Normal social skills

Capacity and desire to learn

Healthy self-image

Ability to spend time alone

Courage to take risks

Ability to voice an unpopular view

What does our  priests do all day?


He celebrates Mass on Sundays and during the week, hear confessions, anoint the sick, baptize, marry and bury. He preaches the Word of God through word and action in his life. He listen to people's joys and sorrows and often take the initiative to promote works of charity and justice. He may work with groups of the elderly, as chaplain or teacher or in a day job. Basic to the ministry of any priest is preaching the Word of God, celebrating


the sacraments and being available to God's people. It's a busy, rewarding life that

demands stamina and spiritual maturity.

If you feel you have a vocation why not contact me above address.



The Daily Decalogue of Pope John XXIII


1. Only for today, I will seek to live the lifelong day positively without wishing to solve the problems of my life all at once.


2. Only for today, I will take the greatest care of my appearance: I will dress modestly; I will not raise my voice; I will be courteous in my behaviour; I

• •will not criticise anyone; I will not claim to improve or to discipline anyone but myself.


3. Only for today, I will be happy in the certainty that I was created to be happy, not only in the other world but also this one.


4. Only for today, I will adapt to circumstances, without requiring all circumstances to be adapted to my own wishes.


5. Only for today, I will devote 10 minutes of my time to some good reading, remembering that just as food is necessary to the life of the body, so

• •good reading is necessary to the life of the soul.


6. Only for today, I will do one good deed and not tell anyone about it.


7. Only for today, I will do at least one thing I do not like doing; and if my feelings are hurt, I will make sure that no one notices.


8. Only for today, I will make a plan for myself: I may not follow it to the letter, but I will make it. And I will be on guard against two evils: hastiness and

• •indecision.


9. Only for today, I will firmly believe, despite appearances, that the good providence of God cares for me as no one else who exists in this world.


10. Only for today, I will have no fears. In particular, I will not be afraid to enjoy what is beautiful and to believe in goodness. Indeed, for 12 hours I can

• •certainly do what might cause me consternation was I to believe I had to do it all my life.


The Prayer of St. Ephrem the Syrian


"O Lord and Master of my life, keep from me the spirit of indifference and discouragement, lust of power and idle chatter. [kneel/prostration]

"Instead, grant to me, Your servant, the spirit of wholeness of being, humble-mindedness, patience, and love. [kneel/prostration]

"O Lord and King, grant me the grace to be aware of my sins and not to judge my brother; for You are blessed now and ever and forever. Amen. [kneel/prostration]"

Contact us


Contact me via E-mail address below

[email protected]